Price: $49.99
(as of Feb 02, 2023 09:05:26 UTC – Details)
TR Outdoor Gear
TR Outdoor Camping Chairs
3 in 1 multi-purpose: Unlike other products, TR’s hunting stool can be divided into three states, it can be a separate backpack or hunting stool, but also can be a portable backpack chair.
Large capacity ice pack: The main part of TR’s backpack chair is an insulated ice pack, equivalent to a small portable refrigerator, which can meet your needs in terms of keeping ingredients fresh or cold. And large capacity design, can free your hands.
Detachable single backpack: Different from the design of most similar products in the market that put the bag under the chair, the backpack in TR’s backpack chair is a backpack that can really be disassembled for single use. It is designed on the side of the stool, which is not only for disassembly, but also more convenient in the use process. You don’t need to reach into the chair to put and take things, and there are no tedious steps.
Multiple storage pockets: The cool backpack stool provides sufficient storage space. There are many pockets: one main body pocket (a cooler) to keep food and drinks cool, two side pockets for bottles, one side pocket for books or a small built-in compartment to store small items such as mobile phones or keys. Take it with you. No matter where you go, you will have a rest seat and cold drinks.
Suitable for various occasions — TR backpack chair is very portable, the open size of hunting backpack chair is 16.9” x 14.6” x 13” and the backpack size is 7.1” x 13” x 15.4”,strong metal structure supports up to is 225 lbs.Suitable for various outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, gardening, walking, barbecue, beach parties and picnic parties.
